LG Twins holds a generous event to mark 1 million spectators in the home game

The LG Twins in the professional baseball league will hold a generous gift event at the home game where the 1 millionth spectator of the season enters with gratitude for achieving 1 million spectators in the home game.

The LG Twins are set to reach the 15th 1 million spectators, the most in professional sports in Korea. By the 14th, 943,183 home game spectators were recorded, and 56,817 people remained until the 1 millionth crowd. This is the first time in domestic professional sports since the COVID-19 pandemic that it has achieved 1 million spectators and the highest number of domestic professional clubs in 15 seasons.

Spectators who enter the 1 millionth home game of the LG Twins can receive a ticket link gift certificate worth 1 million won and a large logo ball signed by the LG Twins team. In addition, a total of eight people, four before and after the 1 millionth audience, will be presented with LG Household & Health Care Himalayan Pink Salt Set and Todai U Meal Ticket. On the same day, an additional prize lottery event will be held for visitors to the first base and outfield who came to cheer for the LG Twins. A total of four winners will be selected, and three will be presented with “LG Standby Me GO” and one will be presented with “LG OLED Object Collection Poje TV.” In addition, an online event will be held for 21,000 annual members in 2023, and VIP tickets for the musical “The Phantom of the Opera” will be distributed to a total of 29 people through a lottery. Meanwhile, after the end of the fifth inning during the game, fireworks commemorate the achievement of 1 million spectators.

Details of the LG Twins’ “Over 1 Million Spectators” event can be found on the LG Twins website and SNS. 토토사이트

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